British Columbia casino locations are still affected by the temporary closures that took place back in March. The Town of View Royal recently made it clear that the coffers are struggling without the regular gaming revenue allocations coming from Elements Casino. The local gaming hotspot fails to support financially its host community and the various projects waiting for a green light to be given.

There are many ways in which a casino venue could support its host community. One of those is with the help of the gaming revenue allocations powered by the gaming revenue generated within the premises of the casino location. Elements Casino in View Royal has been doing so over the past years and this support has helped improve the area.
Elements Casino Still Closed
Ever since mid-March, this casino hotspot has remained closed, as the lockdown mandated the closure of all brick-and-mortar casino venues and gaming halls. This period has taken its toll on the town coffers and the deficit could be felt across the community. However, it should be taken into account that the province has to issue an official statement permitting in-person gambling once again, which would subsequently greenlight the process.
As of now, provincial officials have not set a date for the official reopening of casino locations and gambling halls in British Columbia. The gaming revenue source of View Royal also had to stop its operation and allocations. View Royal Mayor David Screech, recently pointed out that the losses of no casino gaming continue increasing as time goes by. The last three months equate to a quarter of the fiscal year.
Mr. Screech made it clear that the income usually amounts to CA$1 million and estimations are that this is the amount of loss up until this point of the lockdown. Without a specified date when British Columbia casinos could reopen, the industry is facing progressively increasing deficit and budget holes.
Paving the Way for Reopening
The Mayor also made it clear that local residents should not worry about the existing property taxes. The reason for this is that the gaming revenue allocations are not used for the operating costs the municipality takes care of. The only thing that will be affected in the foreseeable future is the various capital projects needing support. Large projects need more support and funding.
Such is insufficient right now, as the casino location was able to support it with its day-to-day operation. Among the projects that are going to be inevitably affected by the lack of support is the West Shore Parks and Recreation. The municipality’s slice of the project would not be fueled by the gaming revenue allocation. As for the View Royal Fire Department, the replacement of a fire truck would have to be postponed.
Mayor Screech stated that the municipality is working with the province on various health protection measures that would be introduced at the casino venue once it receives green light to recommence operation. British Columbia Lottery Corporation is working with the casino industry on a provincial level, paving the way for in-person gaming launch.